The Wagners are well on Whidbey Island. We were in LA for our Christmas vacation. We stayed at Missy and Scott's and, of course, Meghan was so excited about the day. Highlights of the visit were our Christmas Eve dinner with Scott's family, the Baders, and our visit to their Lutheran church for Christmas Eve services. We visited with friends, Vasconcellos and Roberts, at Vasconcellos' house on the way down. We loved sharing news, great food and good weather in California.
After Christmas, Libby and Missy went to Whistler for their annual Sister Ski Weekend. The fur hats were part of that trip! The weather was perfect for them and they loved the whole Whistler skiing experience, especially the great guide who showed them all the runs on the first day they arrived. Virginia just got home from a weekend in Seattle with Libby(Feb 2-3) for a wonderful performance of Swan Lake by the Pacific Northwest Ballet, as well as shopping and movies. It was the first of many planned for the future. Jim is taking a Piloting course with friends from the Power Squadron. He knows hot to plot a course, but he will get a "P" after his name and be known in the squadron as a more educated guy!
We are making efforts to finish our kitchen this spring and have picked out a piece of slate for the buffet cabinet in the kitchen eating area. We know the kind of paint, and we are working on colors. Bright sunny days make us want to work, but foggy days like today make us droopy and uninterested in work! We are also having the guest bath floor redone after some damage from a leak. It never ends!
My knitting has been mostly socks. I am finishing a pair of wide striped socks for a friend's boys. It was a real challenge to find a sock pattern with appropriate stitches for kids. I did find a pattern, and I hope they are big enough. Also, I have amassed much acrylic yarn from garage sales and other places. It is overwhelming to look at my stash and know I have to figure out what to do with it. I was reading the Episcopal News Service updates and found a reference to The Seamen's Church Institute (SCI) of New York and New Jersey. They knit hats and scarves for seamen who are at sea over the holidays. Knitters should have their items ready for a Labor Day arrival in New York. They ask that all items be knitted with acrylic yarn so they can be washed. Problem solved for all my extra yarn. I made a beautiful scarf that I would like to keep for myself. Patterns for hats and scarves are on the website, too. As soon as I finish the kid socks, I will begin a trial run to get as many as possible finished for Labor Day.
That's all from the island. Happy Day. The Whidbey Wagners