The months have flown by. Where are we? I was sick for three weeks in February-the same bronchitis that got me a year ago. Seemed like it took forever before I was better. Jim has been preoccupied with the boat, prepping for Round Whidbey Race and our trip to Desolation Sound in Late May. We celebrated my birthday for a week and more in April. Last weekend we took the boat to Coronet Bay to be available for a renaming on a friend's boat. That got cancelled and we brought the boat back Saturday in a real blow. We bounced all over before we got back into the dock. Spent the night at the dock and slept like a log! All that excitement got to me.
We have been balancing boat stuff with church stuff. Our new priest has started things moving again. We got the portables refurbished ,and she now has an office, and we have a Sunday School room. The neighbors aren't happy but who cares. We have cleaned up th shrubs around the chapel, and they screamed about that. Now we talk to them through our lawyer. The good things are added classes, great Bible study and great gatherings of the faithful. I can see a wonderful future with so much less stress coming around the corner.
As I said, we leave May 27 for Desolation Sound. We'll be gone 3 1/2 weeks or so, traveling up and back with 4-5 other boats. If we are lucky, we'll have good weather like last year. Right now we are going through some spring storms that really blow and bring lots of rain. Hope that isn't what we can expect for later. We'll go to a few places we've been before, but we will have new adventures in Desolation Sound, a Canadian marine park with lots of anchorages, islands and beautiful scenery. We've stayed on the boat twice now and we love it! It has so much more storage and a great galley for cooking. We still have a few things to get/fix before we leave, but we'll be ready. I'm making lists of food and clothes to put on board, and Jim gets the electrical and other stuff ready. Right now he's working on a leak under the sink in the galley. He hates plumbing, so that's a challenge. Next week end is Round Whidbey Race, so he has to fix the leak now!
Everyone in the family is well. The girls will be here for July 4th, and we'll move on the boat to fit the family into the house. We hope both Wagner cousins will be here, too. We'll just be home a week before they all arrive! Meghan was here for sping break. What a gift! She is so much fun!
Blessings on friends and family. If you are coing over for a visit, let us know so we'll be home. The Whidbey Wagners