The picture is of wonderful Admiralty Head Lighthouse on the southwest of Whidbey Island. For my birthday Jim bought me a lighthouse license plate so I can support the preservation of lighthouses in Washington. *************************************
Cheryl in Pittsburg had this survey posted on her blog. It's kinda cool. I enjoyed her Irish Hiking Scarf photos so much I found the pattern online. That's next on my list!
Knitting Survey #11. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you? I am not a yarn snob! I know people who only buy imported wools so they can drop names. If it knits, I knit it. Once I bought 6 green garbage bags of yarn at a garage sale!!
2. Do you spin? Crochet? I can crochet a simple afghan and edges around things. Never mastered the granny square.
3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.) Most of those off and on.
4. How long have you been knitting? Since I was 11 years old.
5. Do you have an Amazon, Knitpicks or other online wish list? Nope, but now that I know about Knitpicks, I’ll make one.
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.) Ocean, ginger, linen. 7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Not really, but I love good ice cream.
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Scrapbooking, some sewing.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) Soft jazz, some country (Shania Twain), Michael Buble. I download books from my library to my MP3.
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand?- Mostly primary colors. Blues, purples and reds. Some pinks. I don’t do much with browns or olive greeny colors.
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? Married to the same guy for 40 years. Two unfriendly cats.
12. What are your life dreams? I’m living it!
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? Right now I love knitting with cotton.
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? Scratchy stuff.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? Wash cloths and square things. Hats for chemo patients. Lap rugs for the same group. Dress ups for $5 bears from Walmart top give to needy or sick kids. Socks, and socks and socks.
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Same as above.
17. What are you knitting right now? Wash rags, chemo caps, socks.
18. What do you think about ponchos? Don’t need them in my life.
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Circles are good, but sometimes for socks I prefer straight.
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Love bamboo, but I also have every other kind and they work.
21. Are you a sock knitter? Yep!
22. How did you learn to knit? All the kids were learning in the 6th grade.
23. How old is your oldest UFO? Uh, I think it is at least 3 years.
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird? Hummingbirds are cool. I like Tweetie bird or the chicken in Chicken Little.
25. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
26. Is there anything that you collect? Books.
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? Cooking Light, Chefs, Weight Watchers, Cruising World
28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on? Lots of them.
29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another??—Nope.
30.What's your favorite outdoor activity? Sailing or camping.
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