My friend Elaine Martinsen just sent me an email telling me how glad she was to find a new post on my blog. My last blog made mention of how terrible it is to go to a favorite and find nothing new there. In that light, I am pledging an update at least once a month. And, I will post new photos! Today I'll begin a new format: my blog will have subheadings. Here goes:(not necessarily in the same orde
r all the time since sometimes some headings will have more importance than others.

Jim is in SoCal right now visiting with Missy, Meg and Scott and making regular visits to his mom (97 yrs Old)! He has been in charge of her trust for a few years and now has able help with a new attorney and a house manager for her house in Upland. Yesterday he went to meet his new attorney and found out she lives next door to Grandma's house. How is that for perfect location? The good Lord provides. Jim is having the house painted and repaired for future use, and even though it will be empty, it will be nice when we visit in Nov for Thanksgiving. We will be camping out on futons and folding chairs, but the family will gather at Grandma's house and celebrate together. Brett and Kathryn (Jim's nephew and wife) are coming from Hawaii, Libby will arrive on Wednesday and we hope Amanda(Jim's niece) gets to come in from Wisconsin. Of course, we'll have the Bader group, with Missy, Meg, Scott and we hope Scott's mom and brothers and families. We'll have a picnic Thanksgiving dinner on folding chairs and tables. Fun for all! Libby is doing very well with her own business. So well in fact, she bought a new BMW! She keeps telling me her business bought it, but I know she bought it. She travels lots, but she is happier than she has ever been, so we are happy, too. She keeps telling me she has an outline for her newest book (nonfiction about good business communication) and her latest book of poetry is at the publishers, so hopefully we'll be announcing those soon.
Sept 13 we got back from a 10 day trip on the Karen Marie II to marinas and resorts in the San Juans. (The photo is of Rosario Resort on Orcas Island. ) We loved the mansion and the organ recital one evening. We sailed with friends, Bruce and Sandy Jones, on their Hunter 30, Carpe Diem, and Mike and Janice Connel on their Catalina 27, Irish Ayes. Good food, good friends and good weather, as well as a visit to the great Roche Harbor made it my favorite cruise this season. Jim wasn't as sure about the resort thing, but I loved all the service at the marinas. We'll do day sailing from now on since it is cooling down in the northwest. Next year we plan many more days and nights on our boat. We loved cruising even more than we remembered.
Sept 13 we got back from a 10 day trip on the Karen Marie II to marinas and resorts in the San Juans. (The photo is of Rosario Resort on Orcas Island. ) We loved the mansion and the organ recital one evening. We sailed with friends, Bruce and Sandy Jones, on their Hunter 30, Carpe Diem, and Mike and Janice Connel on their Catalina 27, Irish Ayes. Good food, good friends and good weather, as well as a visit to the great Roche Harbor made it my favorite cruise this season. Jim wasn't as sure about the resort thing, but I loved all the service at the marinas. We'll do day sailing from now on since it is cooling down in the northwest. Next year we plan many more days and nights on our boat. We loved cruising even more than we remembered.
I have been very busy knitting shawls for everybody. Libby got three and has had rave reviews from friends. Using ribbon yarn and mohair makes them light as a feather and warm, too. (See photo). Soon I'll have to switch to something else since I have stockpiled enought yarn to make 3 felted bags for friends and family and enough wonderful wool yarn to knit two sweaters for myself. I buy it and then it sits! I did finish a prayer shawl for a shut in, and I have yarn for many more. I could knit all day every day and never finish.
We have been overwhelmed with beautiful flowers this second year of our garden. The blooms have been wonderful with dahlias and ecinacea and daisies and hydrangeas and lilies blooming continually all summer. I got some gladiolas in late, but even they have been blooming the last month. Next year I know I'll have more. Plans for next winter include pansies in the outdoor pots and for the spring, bulbs (daffoldills and tulips) in pots around the front and in back. The photo shows the dahlias I planted which produced more flowers than I could ever use. Next year I plan to add miniature dahlias to fill in beds.

St Stephen Episcopal Church:
We are still active with our Faithful Remnant, having church every Sunday in the small All Saints Chapel adjacent to the main sanctuary. We struggle for space, but we remain faithful. The consecration of our new Bishop last Saturday was a wonderful experience. We are so lucky to get a young man with exceptional skills to lead us. I am planning to go to the Diocesan School of Ministry and Theology classes in January, and I plan to begin a Bible study with two friends at the Methodist church every Tuesday morning. Some day I'll get over to the hospital in Anacortes to visit the chaplains' program. I have the time, but find it hard to jump-start myself. We have been so busy keeping the church afloat; it has been like starting a new church when you have no resources but you want everything. We continue to pray for a resolution to the differences here in Oak Harbor.
Final Thoughts: Jim and I have a busy fall schedule. Seems like retirement does not give us much time to just sit around. I'll be visiting friends in California on Oct 5 weekend. We are working at the Fall Council Meeting for our Sail and Power Sqd. on the weekend of Oct 12. We host the event this year, so I'm doing table decorations and Jim is helping out. We go to our Diocesan Convention in Nov and then head to SoCal Nov 17 for the Thanksgiving vacation. On Dec 8 we leave for a week's riverboat cruise on the Columbia River. Hope we don't freeze to death! Christmas will be home and a quiet time for us. Hope you are having a great day! The Whidbey Wagners
1 comment:
Hi Whidbey Knitter! Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoy Whidbey Island. I have a friend in Coupeville who runs The Weaving School there.
It is also fun to meet a fellow boater although my boat is a power boat and not a sailing boat. I have a 30' Sea Ray Cabon Cruizer which my husband and I keep and operate in the California Delta. I want a boat up in Washington as well but Dan and I haven't found the perfect match yet. We keep lookig though.
I'll keep checking your blog to see when you post. Looking forward to a new blogger friend.
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