OH, Wow! Easter came too early and now we are rushing to catch up with Spring! There are beautiful heather bushes blooming in the front along the driveway, and two daffodils that popped up in the front bed. I have more in pots, but those two cheery daffs make me smile whenever I go in and out of the house.
We had a busy, busy Easter. Our Episcopal church had a service every day, starting with Palm Sunday! It was a wonderful experience, but since I am half of the Altar Guild, we were running around like chickens. The chapel looked beautiful on Sunday and we felt like it was a true Easter. Our situation is still the same. The conservatives still hold on to the main building and refuse to do much sharing, although the covenant they signed said they would do that. We are hoping to move on soon; it is so political and we must wait to get approval for any moves we do make, including meetings, sharing information and general behavior. I can understand some of it, but other parts leave me baffled and very frustrated. I'm not good at waiting for everybody to agree we got screwed out of the building and do something about it. Our bishop promises new things. I pray for patience!
Jim and I have been dieting since Jan 4 and he has lost at least 20 lbs. I'm close to that but unsure since I didn't weigh myself before I started. I know I've lost at least one size, so it is working. We are using the Protein Power Diet, a modified low carb menu with some carbs, some fruit and lots of vegetables. We are so healthy, we have even given up our acid reflux RX! It's working slowly, about a lb a week, but it feels good. I am trying to get to the pool for water aerobics as often as I can. Some weeks are worse than others, but I try to go at least three times.
Meghan was up for her Spring break. She's 12 1/2 and so grown up. We had so much fun. She took over the guest room, making it her own with clothes, stuffed animals and books. She also made little nests all over the house, leaving her stuff strewn about, just like her mother did when she was young. We had lots of technology here, with phones, Ipods and Gameboys binging and dinging all the time. She loves coming here and relaxes, making me happy, happy. I always want her to come here to relax and find love. She got to go to the Seattle Aquarium and a short visit to the Museum of Flight. I had a meeting in Seattle and Papa took her touring around. She said the Museum was funny since Papa told her all about the planes without any docent input! He wants to go back for a long visit.
Jim is getting itchy to go sailing. He ordered and received a new mainsail but it is a little large so we are trying to figure out whether to return it to have it cut or to adapt the boom/mast configuration. He goes down to the boat almost every day now, thinking about the spring and summer sailing we have planned. We hope to do more cruises this summer than we did last summer.
We continue to have lots of company here. Missy and Scott are coming up for July 4th and Libby has invited two different groups to come to the island in July and visit her mom and dad! My friend Debbie has asked for a free time to visit, too. We still hve some renovations to do so I hope we get those finished by June. We are planning that redo of the outside room, and we still have the cabinets in the kitchen to finish. We had to wait for it to get warmer to do the painting and work outside, but now the water attracts Jim. It is a never ending struggle.
I am still on three committees, two for church and one boat thing. One day I'll quit those things and really retire to have fun and do my crafts. I haven't scrapbooked in two years-the photos are waiting. I have knitted two wonderful felted bags, but I gave them away before I could get photos. I'm planning to knit one for myself and then I will put a photo on this page.
Everyone in the family is doing well. Libby stills makes a good living as a consultant, Missy truly does have tenure and Scott still works at his engineering job. One new action on the Miss/Scott front has them looking for a house on Whidbey Island to eventually use as a retirement place. They would also have a house or condo in Palms Springs for golf. In fact, we are looking at houses for them today. They'll rent it out while they finish working in SoCal. Will wonders never cease?
The sun is shining today, the winter is over and we are happy as ever on our island. All the Best from the Whidbey Wagners.
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